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God wants you full of His Word and equipped to win in every situation you face in life.  Check out these resources that will empower you to do just that!  

Click images below to order resources. Thank you for your support!

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Encouragement in the Word Ministry Devotional

Unlock your God given potential and walk in your God ordained destiny. This scripture based devotional will empower and encourage you in your daily Christian walk of faith. God’s Word combined with prayer, and fasting makes tremendous power available, dynamic in its working in your life and in the lives of those who are in your sphere of influence.

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The Holy Week Devotional 

Holy Week - "It's not just another week!" The cost was weighed before there ever was a Garden of Eden and the price was deemed to be the precious Blood of Jesus. For the Father it was a price He was willing to pay because of His unconditional and everlasting love for us. 


Through this devotional we are going to walk with Jesus during the last week of His life. Throughout this walk we will see how focusing on God can help us defeat any challenge that may come our way.


This Holy Week Devotional is not just for Holy Week. The principles shared are timeless and applicable all year round! 

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31 Days of Encouragement

We live in a fast paced world where we are always on the go. As a result we may not always take the time to encourage ourselves in the Lord our God. I have written 31 devotions that will build your hope and encourage you through the challenges that living life brings. This devotional will spur you on to a deeper study, love, and appreciation for God’s Word.

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My new book is called a “Living Bible Study" because every week that I continue to teach, I will upload the new notes to the “Abiding in the Secret Place” Bible study you have already purchased making them available for FREE, as my gift to you. All you need to do once you purchase the book to receive the new material is turn on automatic updates! 


Your initial purchase of the book is all you will ever pay while continuing to get additional Bible study notes for as long as this study continues. We have just completed thirteen weeks, and we still have more to cover! I love this idea of giving you FREE material and hope you do too!

Abiding in the Secret Place: A Living Bible Study

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Encouraging & Empowering you to become who God created to be, God's Masterpiece, a Divine Original!


Pastor | Speaker | Bible Teacher | Author | Encourager 



If this ministry has blessed you, please consider supporting it by making a financial donation. It takes consecrated time in God's Presence, and in His Word, to write these Encouragement Nuggets. It also takes money to keep the website up and running. If these Encouragement Nuggets have encouraged and/or empowered you to become who God created you to be - His Masterpiece, a Divine Original - I ask that you prayerfully consider financially supporting this ministry, monthly, or making a onetime donation. Any amount is greatly appreciated and will make a difference. You are sowing seed into good ground. Click the donate button to give safely and securely. Thank you for partnering with me!

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