In 2023 determine to make a quality decision to trust God's timing in everything you do.
Your level of obedience will impact God’s timing in your life! Disobedience delays it while obedience contributes to your walking in His timing.
Remember the children of Israel in the wilderness. Their disobedience not only delayed their walking in the promise it also caused some to never do so.
“All the days of my appointed time will I wait, till my change come.” (Job 14:14b KJV)
Waiting requires trust. You have to believe what you’re waiting for is going to happen. God promises an appointed time.
The Lord set a [definite] time, saying, “Tomorrow the Lord will do this thing in the land.” (Exodus 9:5 AMPC)
You are the vessel. The birth takes place in God's timing and in His way. Everything God has for you to do, or has promised to do, has a set time. In the meantime, it's prep time. You must be faithful where you are before you get to move to the next level.
There is purpose in waiting on God! Just because it may seem like nothing is going on, doesn't mean that nothing is going on!
Sometimes God has to prepare you for the answer! You are just not ready! And sometimes He has to prepare your next step to receive you.
Just as you wouldn't give your car keys to a 3-year-old, God can't give His anointing to an unprepared vessel. You have to do it His way.
Walk in your God appointed time.
“There is a season (a time appointed) for everything and a time for every delight and event or purpose under heaven. (Ecclesiastes 3:1 AMPC)
Think about this, maybe it hasn't happened because you're really not prepared.
Be Encouraged! ❤
(Updated From the Vault of LWM)
Amen and Amen!!!
Great and powerful your Word and teaching is.
Many thanks for keeping us posted my dear sister Leisa Wilkins