There was such a swirl of activity around Jesus, with so many people coming and going, that they were unable to even eat a meal. So Jesus said to his disciples, “Come, let’s take a break and find a secluded place where you can rest a while.” (Mark 6:31 TPT)
As I continue my time from social media, I continue seeking God's direction on what I should embrace in this season. My heart's desire is to seek His heart, to do what He wants. I want to be in sync with what He is doing!
Just because I've been doing something for years doesn’t mean I should continue doing it. It's not about how I can do ministry better; it's about what God wants me to focus on! Sometimes God shifts how we get to where He is taking us. The assignment hasn't changed as much as how we accomplish it can change. God is always doing things through us that will make us more like Him and building our character, so it better reflects His character and brings Him glory.
So, I will ask Him, Lord, what do YOU want me to focus on in this season? Do I continue doing what I've always done, or do You have something new for me to do now? (We should always reevaluate our assignments with God's help. It's not that He changes His mind as much as the assignment may be over! If we don't ask, we won't know!)
Even if I must scrap all I've tried to do for God's glory and begin again, I will. Not my will, but God's will must be done in me and through me.
In the meantime, I am parked at:
Be still.
Be silent.
Be harmless.
Be prayerful.
I have a spirit of expectation because I know He will answer.
I am also taking time to REST!
R= Relax in Him
E= Encourage yourself in Him
S= Seek His face
T= Think about Him
Be Encouraged! ❤