Treasured by God!
Just going to set this right here. Reality check:
Just because I'm strong doesn't mean I don't have challenges. It doesn't mean I don't hurt or feel things deeply because I do. Some smiles mask deep heartache.
Let's walk in a spirit of discernment and empathy so we can be an encouragement to others who are hurting while looking and sounding perfectly "normal."
And to my strong sisters and brothers it's okay not to be okay. That doesn't indicate a lack of faith! Nor does it mean it will always be this way. It just means in this moment, or moments, you're not okay, you're struggling, just not feeling your usual self! We have to be honest about our feelings, with wisdom and discernment on when to share and with whom to share, but especially with God, always with God.
Holy Spirit once told me, "Leisa, I can't cover what you won't uncover." Healing begins when we acknowledge the pain.
Be Encouraged! ❤