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Writer's picture: Leisa WilkinsLeisa Wilkins

Updated: Nov 8, 2022

How we begin our day can determine how our day goes. Spending time with God first can help us face whatever comes, in His strength and wisdom. This is how He prepares us for the expected and unexpected.

“In the morning You hear my voice, O Lord; in the morning I prepare [a prayer, a sacrifice] for You and watch and wait [for You to speak to my heart].” (Psalm 5:3 AMPC)

Whenever your day starts, start it with God!

“Cause me to hear Your loving-kindness in the morning, for on You do I lean and in You do I trust. Cause me to know the way wherein I should walk, for I lift up my inner self to You.” (Psalm 143:8 AMPC)

Time with Him and in His Word gives us direction.

"Your words were found, and I ate them; and Your words were to me a joy and the rejoicing of my heart, for I am called by Your name, O Lord God of hosts." (Jeremiah 15:16 AMPC)

His Word is nourishment for our souls. There are no calories or fat – just mind renewing, confidence building, faith building, love building, Spirit charging and life transforming nutrients for the Spirit and Soul!

“Great peace have they who love Your law; nothing shall offend them or make them stumble.” (Psalm 119:165 AMPC)

Tired of being offended? Need some peace? His Word has everything we need to walk in victory, especially when the challenges of life weigh in.

Begin your day speaking and praying His Word:

"O God, listen to our cry! Hear our prayer! From the ends of the earth, we cry to you for help when our heart is overwhelmed. Lead us to the towering rock of safety, for you are our safe refuge, a fortress where our enemies cannot reach us. Let us live forever in Your sanctuary, safe beneath the shelter of Your wings!" (Psalm 61:1-4 NLT)


O God, listen to our cry! Hear our prayers. We are crying out to You for help because our hearts are overwhelmed. Help us to keep our eyes on You and not on what we see. Lead us to Your towering rock of safety so we can rest in You. Abba Father, You are our refuge. You are our fortress where our enemies cannot reach us. They cannot touch us. Let us live forever in Your sanctuary, in safety beneath the shelter of Your wings. We want to be in Your presence forever. In Jesus' Name. Amen!

"HE WHO dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty [Whose power no foe can withstand]. I will say of the Lord, He is my Refuge and my Fortress, my God; on Him I lean and rely, and in Him I [confidently] trust!" (Psalm 91:1‭-‬2 AMPC)

Got Word?

Be Encouraged! ❤

(From the Vault of LWM)



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Encouraging & Empowering you to become who God created to be, God's Masterpiece, a Divine Original!


Pastor | Speaker | Bible Teacher | Author | Encourager 



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