Today, I'm doing something a little different. I'm sharing a bite size Encouragement Nugget for you to prayerfully consider, along with a few questions so you can dig deeper. Let me know how you feel about this format.
“Let’s go across to the outpost of those pagans,” Jonathan said to his armor bearer. “Perhaps the Lord will help us, for nothing can hinder the Lord. He can win a battle whether he has many warriors or only a few!” (1 Samuel 14:6 NLT)
Ask yourself:
What is God saying to me in this Scripture?
How can I apply this to my life?
We need Jonathan's attitude in doing Kingdom business. It's not about numbers. God doesn't need them to accomplish His plans. What He needs, what He wants, is one available person willing to be obedient to His commands.
Ask yourself:
What's the last thing God told me to do?
Have I done it?
What does obedience look like?
What does disobedience look like?
Is there something God has asked me to do that I have not done?
Yes, you can do whatever God places on your heart because He will empower you to do it. He doesn't leave you to your own devices. He always has a plan. All you have to do is trust Him and obey Him. One more thing, you can't be worried about what people will say or think. Keep your eyes on Jesus. That's how Noah built an ark and Peter walked on water. They were focused on Jesus. Neither of these men cared about what others thought.
When you consider people, or fear what they will say or do, over what God has told you to do it will lead you to disobedience and sin.
We see that with Saul:
Then Saul admitted to Samuel, “Yes, I have sinned. I have disobeyed your instructions and the Lord’s command, for I was afraid of the people and did what they demanded." (1 Samuel 15:24 NLT)
Ask yourself:
Is there anything I haven't done because I feared what people would say or do?
How much power do the voices of others have over me?
Make sure God's voice is more powerful in your life than the voices of others. Focus on pleasing and obeying Him, not people.
"Then Peter and the apostles replied, We must obey God rather than men." (Acts 5:29 AMPC)
"Peter and the apostles replied, “We must listen to and obey God more than pleasing religious leaders." (Acts 5:29 TPT)
Be Encouraged! ❤