I love to journal. Do you? It's my time to reflect and just write what comes to mind as I read the Word of God and my devotionals. Sometimes the Lord will have me dig deeper into what I'm reading, and I write it down. I also write the whispers I hear from the Lord. Journaling is my memorial of what God, and I are doing and saying to one another.
Here's what I do:
I write as opposed to going online. It feels more intimate for me. I love finding new journals and admit I stockpile them so I'm always ready! I also use assorted color inks so I can find things and honestly who doesn't like colorful things. (I'm thinking about stickers in the future, so I see a trip to the craft aisle or store soon.)
I write in purple, as that's my favorite color. I put Scripture in red, not original I know but hey it works for the Bible! Lol! I put quotes from devotionals or other resources in light blue. Anything I hear from the Lord I put in pink. Anything others speak into my life I put in navy dark blue! I do Bible study notes or thoughts in black. (Sometimes I have a separate journal for them!)
Finally, I have a section called, Provision, Blessings, and Favor which I write in green. This way when the enemy tries to attack by sending his fiery darts there is no place they can land because I can quickly fan through the pages of my journal and remind myself of the many moves of God in my life. I write them down, so I don't forget them. It's a constant reminder of how much God moves in my life and it keeps me looking for His moves throughout my day.
I never considered myself creative, other than writing itself, but these colors just bring me such pleasure when writing!
So, how do you journal? Would you take a moment and share how you record the gems God shares with you while spending quality time in His Presence and His Word?
Be Encouraged! ❤
