How can I serve you?
Let me introduce you to Leisa Wilkins Ministries. It exists for two God ordained purposes:
To People in general:
Encouraging and Empowering you to become who you were created to be, God's Masterpiece, a Divine Original!
I do this through encouragement, teaching, writing devotions, faith confessions, and scriptural prayers that are based on God's Word. Everything else builds from this foundation.
"For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago." (Ephesians 2:10 NLT)
"Therefore encourage (admonish, exhort) one another and edify (strengthen and build up) one another, just as you are doing." (1 Thessalonians 5:11 AMPC)
To the local Pastor where God places me to submit and serve:
I have always seen my calling, my ministry in the local church as an Aaron/Hur ministry – holding up the Pastor’s arms, so they could focus on doing what God called them to do wholeheartedly without having to worry about the day-to-day things that also need attention. This gives them time to devote to concentrated prayer, the Word, and implementing the vision God has given them for us.
When invited I use my administrative and teaching gifts to help. I also pray for the pastor and his family.
"But we will continue to devote ourselves steadfastly to prayer and the ministry of the Word." (Acts 6:4 AMPC)
"Moses’ arms soon became so tired he could no longer hold them up. So Aaron and Hur found a stone for him to sit on. Then they stood on each side of Moses, holding up his hands. So his hands held steady until sunset. As a result, Joshua overwhelmed the army of Amalek in battle." (Exodus 17:12-13 NLT)
A little bit about me:
I have devoted over two decades to ministry service. My Encouragement in the Word ministry reflects my passion to encourage people in the Word of God. I am a licensed and ordained minister of the Gospel who has answered God’s call by speaking Scripture-based words of motivation and transformation into the lives of believers.
I have penned and published three devotionals: Encouragement in the Word Ministry Devotional, The Holy Week Devotional, and 31 Days of Encouragement, her latest release in May, 2021. Filled with scripture-based faith confessions and prayers that help every believer firmly stand on the Word of God in all circumstances, these dynamic books provide the keys to unlock one's God-given potential and walk in one's God-ordained destiny.
How can I serve you?
NOTE: If this ministry has blessed you, please consider supporting it by making a financial donation. It takes consecrated time in God's Presence, and in His Word, to write these Encouragement Nuggets. It also takes money to keep the website up and running. If these Encouragement Nuggets have encouraged and/or empowered you to become who God created you to be - His Masterpiece, a Divine Original - I ask that you prayerfully consider financially supporting this ministry, monthly, or making a onetime donation. Any amount is greatly appreciated and will make a difference. You are sowing seed into good ground. Click the donate button on my website to give safely and securely. You can also contact me if you'd like to give via Zelle. Thank you for partnering with me!
Be Encouraged! ❤