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Writer's picture: Leisa WilkinsLeisa Wilkins

Updated: Jun 5, 2023

“Call to Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things, fenced in and hidden, which you do not know (do not distinguish and recognize, have knowledge of and understand).” (Jeremiah 33:3 AMPC)


  • I can call to You God, my Abba Father.

  • I know You will answer because I know You listen.

  • In Your answers You will show me great and mighty things, hidden things.

  • Things I don’t know, can't distinguish, recognize, or understand.

  • But You do!

  • When I call on You, I trust You to reveal these things I don’t know so I can walk victoriously.

  • You see what I can’t, and You know what I don’t.

  • That’s why my eyes are on You.

  • You lead me on paths I don’t know in safety.

“God speaks to them through the thoughts, ideas, and visions they keep having in their minds. If you are unclear about your vision, you can ask God to reveal to you the deepest desires, He has placed within you.” (Dr. Myles Munroe)






Show me the common thread You are weaving through my thoughts, ideas, and visions. I don’t want to miss You, Abba Father. What have You placed in me that I might not recognize or have overlooked its significance?


I was born on purpose.

I was born with an assignment.

Destiny lives in me and with Your help it will be birthed through me.

“A true prophet can confirm your vision, but he or she will not give you your vision. God gives you that directly, and He reveals it to you as you listen to Him and follow Him.” (Dr. Myles Munroe)

“I will put My law within them, and on their hearts will I write it; and I will be their God, and they will be My people.” (Jeremiah 31:33b AMPC)


Thank You, Abba Father, for putting Your law in me, writing it on my heart. You are my God, and I am Your child. Help me to listen to what You put in me with all my heart and mind so I can obey Your commands and fulfill my destiny. Don’t let me miss the deepest desires You have placed in me.

“Then you will seek Me, inquire for, and require Me [as a vital necessity] and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.” (Jeremiah 29:13 AMPC)


Seek You

Inquire for You

Require You as my vital necessity

You will be found by me because I sought You with all my heart.

Be Encouraged! ❤

(Updated from the Vault of LWM)



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Encouraging & Empowering you to become who God created to be, God's Masterpiece, a Divine Original!


Pastor | Speaker | Bible Teacher | Author | Encourager 



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