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Writer's picture: Leisa WilkinsLeisa Wilkins

Updated: Dec 3, 2022

"Love endures with patience and serenity, love is kind and thoughtful, and is not jealous or envious; love does not brag and is not proud or arrogant. It is not rude; it is not self-seeking, it is not provoked [nor overly sensitive and easily angered]; it does not take into account a wrong endured. It does not rejoice at injustice, but rejoices with the truth [when right and truth prevail]. Love bears all things [regardless of what comes], believes all things [looking for the best in each one], hopes all things [remaining steadfast during difficult times], endures all things [without weakening]. Love never fails [it never fades nor ends]." (I Corinthians 13:4-8a AMP)

Jesus commanded us to love and said we would be identified as His disciples by our love.

"I give you a new commandment: that you should love one another. Just as I have loved you, so you too should love one another. By this shall all [men] know that you are My disciples, if you love one another [if you keep on showing love among yourselves]." (John 13:34‭-‬35 AMPC)

Let's ask ourselves:

  • What do people see, Disciples or Pharisees, when they see me?

  • Am I reflecting the love of God in my thoughts, words, and actions?

  • Would people know who I belong to by what I say and how I act?

Take a moment, reflect on these questions, and make any adjustments as needed when Holy Spirit shows you, YOU!

Psalm 51 is a great place to start!

"Soak me in your laundry and I’ll come out clean, scrub me and I’ll have a snow-white life. Tune me in to foot-tapping songs, set these once-broken bones to dancing. Don’t look too close for blemishes, give me a clean bill of health. God, make a fresh start in me, shape a Genesis week from the chaos of my life. Don’t throw me out with the trash, or fail to breathe holiness in me." (Psalm 51:7‭-‬11 MSG)

You can personalize 1st Corinthians 13:4-8a. Read it daily to remind you of who you really are as a child of God:

"(YOUR NAME) love endures with patience and serenity, (YOUR NAME) love is kind and thoughtful, and is not jealous or envious; (YOUR NAME) love does not brag and is not proud or arrogant. (YOUR NAME) love is not rude; it is not self-seeking, it is not provoked [nor overly sensitive and easily angered]; (YOUR NAME) love does not take into account a wrong endured. (YOUR NAME) love does not rejoice at injustice, but rejoices with the truth [when right and truth prevail]. (YOUR NAME) love bears all things [regardless of what comes], believes all things [looking for the best in each one], hopes all things [remaining steadfast during difficult times], endures all things [without weakening]. (YOUR NAME) Love never fails [it never fades nor ends]." (I Corinthians 13:4-8a AMP)

Be Encouraged! ❤

(Updated From the Vault of LWM)



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Encouraging & Empowering you to become who God created to be, God's Masterpiece, a Divine Original!


Pastor | Speaker | Bible Teacher | Author | Encourager 



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