The Lord dropped this in my Spirit while teaching Bible study a few years ago and it's worth meditating on again. As we grow in our walk with the Lord there's always something more we can learn. We see differently based on where we are and what we're going through, or the lessons we have learned. I was talking about Peter walking on water. Staying in the boat represents using, and trusting, my resources. Getting out of the boat represents attaching myself to, and trusting, Jesus' resources! POW! Guess who is getting out of the boat? Yep, me! It's always safer to he wherever God is no matter what we see or feel. REMEMBER THIS: Sometimes you have to step out in order to step in or step up. Just ask Peter. He stepped out of the boat. You can't walk on the water from the comfort of the boat! Sometimes you have to leave what's comfortable to do what seems impossible. Just remember - Jesus is right there in the middle of the impossible. Keep your eyes on Him! #LeisaWilkins #EncouragementInTheWord Be Encouraged! ❤
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