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Writer's picture: Leisa WilkinsLeisa Wilkins

"What then shall we say to [all] this? If God is for us, who [can be] against us? [Who can be our foe, if God is on our side?]" (Romans 8:31 AMPC)

Don't allow the enemy, or people, to abort, define, or diminish your purpose. You were created on purpose for purpose by a God of purpose! Walk boldly in it!

"The Lord is on my side; I will not fear. What can man do to me? It is better to trust and take refuge in the Lord than to put confidence in man." (Psalm 118:6‭, ‬8 AMPC)

Remember, it is God Who empowers purpose, not man. No one can stop His purpose in your life, except YOU! Stay connected to God.

"I am the Vine, you are the branches. When you’re joined with me and I with you, the relation intimate and organic, the harvest is sure to be abundant. Separated, you can’t produce a thing. Anyone who separates from me is deadwood, gathered up and thrown on the bonfire. But if you make yourselves at home with me and my words are at home in you, you can be sure that whatever you ask will be listened to and acted upon. This is how my Father shows who he is—when you produce grapes, when you mature as my disciples." (John 15:5-8 MSG)

Everything we do should be about obedience to our purpose and bringing glory to God. No matter where you find yourself, work as unto the Lord. It may seem like nothing is happening but knows this, He sees, and He rewards. Nothing we do for Him is a waste.

"Whatever may be your task, work at it heartily (from the soul), as [something done] for the Lord and not for men, Knowing [with all certainty] that it is from the Lord [and not from men] that you will receive the inheritance which is your [real] reward. [The One Whom] you are actually serving [is] the Lord Christ (the Messiah)" (Colossians 3:24 AMPC)

No matter what it looks like, God always causes us to triumph. We have victory in Him.

"In the Messiah, in Christ, God leads us from place to place in one perpetual victory parade. Through us, he brings knowledge of Christ. Everywhere we go, people breathe in the exquisite fragrance. Because of Christ, we give off a sweet scent rising to God, which is recognized by those on the way of salvation—an aroma redolent with life. But those on the way to destruction treat us more like the stench from a rotting corpse." (2 Corinthians 2:14‭-‬16 MSG)

Be Encouraged! ❤

(Updated From the Vault of LWM



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Encouraging & Empowering you to become who God created to be, God's Masterpiece, a Divine Original!


Pastor | Speaker | Bible Teacher | Author | Encourager 



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