I am taking time away from social media during the month of December to soak in the Presence of the Lord while seeking His direction for my life and ministry in 2020. This is a time where I shut down all outside influences and focus more intently on God. This is a time of REST where I Relax in Him, Encourage myself in Him, Seek His face/direction, and Think about Him, REST!
I will be praying for my ministry and all those connected to it. I appreciate your faithfulness and the time you take to read these posts. I pray they have blessed and encouraged you on your journey.
I have scheduled posts for the month of December so my Encouragement Nuggets will be available to you right here on my website and on my Facebook Ministry Page, Daily Encouraging Words by Leisa. Please enjoy them and leave comments for me to read and answer when I return to social media in January. Abundant Blessings!
Be Encouraged! ❤
Leisa Wilkins Ministries
Encouraging and Empowering you to become who God created you to be, God's Masterpiece, a Divine Original!