Chosen by God!
“Now when the time was almost come for Jesus to be received up [to heaven], He steadfastly and determinedly set His face to go to Jerusalem.” (Luke 9:51 AMPC)
Let’s look at the meaning of a few key words in this verse to help us better understand the level of commitment Jesus displayed in doing His Father’s will:
Steadfastly - firmly; with constancy or steadiness of mind
Determined - Ended; concluded; decided; limited; fixed; settled; resolved; directed; Having a firm or fixed purpose, as a determined man
Set - To put or place; to fix
Go - to move or proceed; to keep or be in motion; function or perform as required; to become as specified
Even in knowing the outcome Jesus was determined to be where the Father needed to be, at the appointed time to fulfill Scripture and to redeem us from eternal death and the grave. O, what a love!
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Leisa Wilkins Ministries
Encouraging and Empowering you to become who God created you to be, God's Masterpiece, a Divine Original!
Pastor | Author | Bible Teacher | Speaker | Encourager