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About Pastor Leisa

 New York native, Pastor Leisa Wilkins, has devoted over two decades to ministry service. Her Encouragement in the Word ministry reflects her passion to encourage people in the Word of God. She is a licensed (2008) and ordained (2013) minister of the Gospel who has answered God’s call by speaking Scripture-based words of motivation and transformation into the lives of believers.


Pastor Leisa has penned and published three devotionals: Encouragement in the Word Ministry Devotional, The Holy Week Devotional, and 31 Days of Encouragement, her latest release in May, 2021. Filled with scripture-based faith confessions and prayers that help every believer firmly stand on the Word of God in all circumstances, these dynamic books provide the keys to unlock one's God-given potential and walk in one's God-ordained destiny.

She is well known and respected among Christian churches across Texas including, Covenant Glen United Methodist Church, where she was the Director of Christian Education for many years; Kainos Community Church, where she served as an Associate Minister, led the discipleship arm of the Church, and taught Bible studies for the church’s Disciples Life Institute; Impact Family Worship Center, where she served as the Associate Pastor. She oversaw the Christian Education, Adult, Children, Youth, and Young Adult Ministries, coordinated their iCON Annual Conference, and developed and taught Bible Studies; and Fusion Church Spring, where she served as Executive Pastor. She oversaw staff, administration, and managed the day-to-day operations of the church.

She has always seen her calling, her ministry as an Aaron/Hur ministry – holding up the Pastor’s arms, so they could focus on doing what God called them to do wholeheartedly without having to worry about the day-to-day things that also need attention. Additionally, it gives them the time to spend in prayer, teaching, and preaching the Word, an Acts 6:4 ministry, again, without worrying about the day-to-day stuff.


In March, 2015 she founded Leisa Wilkins Ministries with the mandate to focus on encouraging and empowering every unique individual to become who God created him or her to be: God's Masterpiece, His Divine original.


Pastor Leisa is married to Michael Smith. The couple celebrated 17 years of marriage on January 8, 2022.


She is a vibrant speaker and teacher who brings the Word of God to life with anecdotes, personal stories, Biblical wisdom, and a heart for others to develop a true relationship with God. She is available for speaking engagements for church and ministry events, conferences, and Bible studies.


To book Pastor Leisa for an upcoming event, click on the “Booking Requests” link below.


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Encouraging & Empowering you to become who God created to be, God's Masterpiece, a Divine Original!


Pastor | Speaker | Bible Teacher | Author | Encourager 



If this ministry has blessed you, please consider supporting it by making a financial donation. It takes consecrated time in God's Presence, and in His Word, to write these Encouragement Nuggets. It also takes money to keep the website up and running. If these Encouragement Nuggets have encouraged and/or empowered you to become who God created you to be - His Masterpiece, a Divine Original - I ask that you prayerfully consider financially supporting this ministry, monthly, or making a onetime donation. Any amount is greatly appreciated and will make a difference. You are sowing seed into good ground. Click the donate button to give safely and securely. Thank you for partnering with me!

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